Anyone who recognizes the signs of the times ensures a decisive advantage on the market. In the project “Signal Tracing” the Group Semantics Visualization at Fraunhofer IGD and the partners C21 Consulting and ConWeaver develop a solution to identify and evaluate market trends at an early stage. Companies have to be aware of upcoming trends and of market development as well as technological developments in order to respond to the increasing competitive pressures and rapid changes in their industry. They have to extract weak signals out of the large amount of information available, to pave the way well-founded.
For the detection of weak signals the added value of semantics visualization is capitalized, since these early signals are complex and hard to identify. In the background semantic technologies are used which can detect the content meaning of information. Based on this content meaning the semantics visualization allows conclusions to signaling meanings what represents a weak signal.
Signal Tracing (HA-Project-Nr.: 290/11-35) is funded in the context of „Hessen ModellProjekte“ in LOEWE – Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz, Förderlinie 3: KMU-Verbundvorhaben. The project runs for a year and a half.