2015 |
5. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk; Ginters, Egils; Kohlhammer, Jorn Semantics Visualization – Definition, Approaches and Challenges Journal Article In: Procedia Computer Science. 2015 International Conference Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education, vol. 75, pp. 75 - 83, 2015, ISSN: 1877-0509. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Semantic Visualization, Simulation, Virtualization, Visualization @article{NAZEMI201575, The visualization of the simulation results must be done in conformity with beneficiaries perception and professional domain understanding. It means that right data must be identified before. Semantic technologies provide new ways for accessing data and acquiring knowledge. The underlying structures allow finding information easier, gathering meanings and associations of the data entities and associating the data to users’ knowledge. Even though the focus of the research in this area is more to provide “machine readable” data, human-centered systems benefit from the technologies too. Especially graphical representations of the semantically structured data play a key-role in today's research. The meaningful relations of data entities and the meaningful and labeled clustering of data in form of semantic concepts enable new ways to visualize data. With these new ways, various challenges are related with deploying semantics visualizations beyond analytical search and simulation. The goal is to give a common understanding of the term semantics as it is used in semantic web. This paper dealt with the general idea of semantics visualization. First a short introduction to semantic formalisms is given followed by a general definition. Subsequently approaches and techniques of existing semantics visualizations are presented, where-as a new classification is introduced to describe the techniques. The article concludes with future challenges in semantics visualization focusing on users, data and tasks. |
2014 |
4. | ![]() | Ginters, Egils; Aizstrauts, Artis; Baltruks, Mikelis; Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk; Sonntagbauer, Peter; Sonntagbauer, Susanne; Gutierrez, Jorge Martin Fupol Simulators and Advanced Visualization Framework Integration Proceedings Article In: Affenzeller, Michael (Ed.): 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014: Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, pp. 523–529, International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference (I3M) Curran, Red Hook, NY, , 2014, ISBN: 978-1-63439-314-0. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Policy Modeling, SemaVis, Simulation, Visualization @inproceedings{Ginters2014, FP7 FUPOL project No.287119 (see www.fupol.eu) aims at a new approach to traditional politics modeling. The FUPOL will be able to automatically collect, analyze and interpret opinions expressed on a large scale from the Internet and social networks. This will enable governments to gain a better understanding of the needs of citizens. Likewise the software will have the capabilities to simulate the effects of policies and laws and to assist governments in the whole policy design process. Basic visualization of the simulation results are supported by the simulators however visualization facilities are limited, therefore for detailed visual analysis of simulation data SemasVis environment is used. |
2012 |
3. | ![]() | Kohlhammer, Jörn; Nazemi, Kawa; Ruppert, Tobias; Burkhardt, Dirk Toward Visualization in Policy Modeling Journal Article In: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 84–89, 2012, ISSN: 0272-1716. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Analytical Models, Computational Modeling, Data Visualization, Decision Making, Semantics, Visualization @article{Burkhardt2012d, This article looks at the current and future roles of information visualization, semantics visualization, and visual analytics in policy modeling. Many experts believe that you can't overestimate visualization's role in this respect. |
2. | ![]() | Breyer, Matthias; Birkenbusch, Jana; Burkhardt, Dirk; Schwarz, Christopher; Stab, Christian; Nazemi, Kawa; Christ, Oliver Visualizations Encourage Uncertain Users to High Effectiveness Proceedings Article In: Salvendy, Gavriel; Karwowski, Waldemar (Ed.): Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012- 14 Volume Set: Proceedings of the 4th AHFE Conference 21-25 July 2012, pp. 8066–8074, Taylor & Francis CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2012, ISBN: 9781466552623. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: effectiveness, Evaluation, Satisfaction, Visualization @inproceedings{Breyer2012, Users have to handle a lot of information in order to fulfill their current task. For achieving an appropriate time and level of quality the users’ motivation plays a key role. In this paper we present a user study which aimed to evaluate if the self-rated expertise of the subjects in their computer system skills has an impact on their task completion effectiveness using visualizations. The results reveal that regardless of the self-rated assurance of the users, no significant difference in the effectiveness of task completions using visualizations could be registered. Furthermore the participants indicate in the questionnaire that using visualization their individual satisfaction level had no significant differences when compared to the users’ self-assurance levels. This indicates even users feeling not confident in interacting with computer systems they may feel confident in interacting with visualizations. Thus if visualizations are applied for tasks of information search and exploration, the user is encouraged to higher effectiveness. |
1. | ![]() | Breyer, Matthias; Birkenbusch, Jana; Burkhardt, Dirk; Schwarz, Christopher; Stab, Christian; Nazemi, Kawa; Christ, Oliver Visualizations Encourage Uncertain Users to High Effectiveness Book Chapter In: Ji, Yong Gu (Ed.): Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design, Chapter 80, pp. 742–750, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1, 2012, ISBN: 9781439871188. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: effectiveness, Evaluation, Satisfaction, Visualization @inbook{Breyer2012b, Users have to handle a lot of information in order to fulfill their current task. For achieving an appropriate time and level of quality the users’ motivation plays a key role. In this paper we present a user study which aimed to evaluate if the self-rated expertise of the subjects in their computer system skills has an impact on their task completion effectiveness using visualizations. The results reveal that regardless of the self-rated assurance of the users, no significant difference in the effectiveness of task completions using visualizations could be registered. Furthermore the participants indicate in the questionnaire that using visualization their individual satisfaction level had no significant differences when compared to the users’ self-assurance levels. This indicates even users feeling not confident in interacting with computer systems they may feel confident in interacting with visualizations. Thus if visualizations are applied for tasks of information search and exploration, the user is encouraged to higher effectiveness. |
2015 |
5. | ![]() | Semantics Visualization – Definition, Approaches and Challenges Journal Article In: Procedia Computer Science. 2015 International Conference Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education, vol. 75, pp. 75 - 83, 2015, ISSN: 1877-0509. |
2014 |
4. | ![]() | Fupol Simulators and Advanced Visualization Framework Integration Proceedings Article In: Affenzeller, Michael (Ed.): 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2014: Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, pp. 523–529, International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference (I3M) Curran, Red Hook, NY, , 2014, ISBN: 978-1-63439-314-0. |
2012 |
3. | ![]() | Toward Visualization in Policy Modeling Journal Article In: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 84–89, 2012, ISSN: 0272-1716. |
2. | ![]() | Visualizations Encourage Uncertain Users to High Effectiveness Proceedings Article In: Salvendy, Gavriel; Karwowski, Waldemar (Ed.): Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012- 14 Volume Set: Proceedings of the 4th AHFE Conference 21-25 July 2012, pp. 8066–8074, Taylor & Francis CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2012, ISBN: 9781466552623. |
1. | ![]() | Visualizations Encourage Uncertain Users to High Effectiveness Book Chapter In: Ji, Yong Gu (Ed.): Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design, Chapter 80, pp. 742–750, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1, 2012, ISBN: 9781439871188. |