2025 |
19. | ![]() | Burkhardt, Dirk; Ristow, Gerald Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Visual Analytics for Plant Workers Proceedings Article In: Klettke, Meike; Schenkel, Ralf; Henrich, Andreas; Nicklas, Daniela; Schüle, Maximilian E.; Meyer-Wegener, Klaus (Ed.): Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2025), pp. 665-678, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2025, ISSN: 2944-7682. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Human-Computer Interaction, Internet of Things, Smart Manufacturing, User-Centered Design, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Burkhardt2025, Smart manufacturing is increasingly making use of visual analytics to optimize production or to identify early problem signs. However, current solutions and approaches require professionals, especially from the data science area, to make use of it, which is for most production companies not affordable. In this paper, we describe first a best practice to sensorize plants from the wood and beverage industry to enable smart manufacturing in general. Second, we describe a new approach that aims at providing easy-to-use visual analytics functionalities that are designed to be used directly by plant workers. Plant workers usually have encompassing experience in the production and the plant, but lack of computer experience and corresponding mathematical knowledge for data analysis. Through lowering the barriers for plant workers in performing data analysis of the IoT sensors with simplified and almost automated analysis functions would give them the ability to gain insights into the production and achieve similar production optimizations and problem preventions as data science experts could. The main contributions of this article are on the one hand the best practice of how production lines of the wood and beverage industry could be made ready for smart manufacturing, but also an approaches that enable non-data scientists, especially plant workers, to perform sufficient analysis about optimal production settings and early problem cause identification. |
2022 |
18. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Feiter, Tim; Sina, Lennart B.; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kock, Alexander Visual Analytics for Strategic Decision Making in Technology Management Book Chapter In: Kovalerchuk, Boris; Nazemi, Kawa; Andonie, Răzvan; Datia, Nuno; Banissi, Ebad (Ed.): Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Visualization for Visual Knowledge Discovery, Chapter 1, pp. 31–61, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-030-93119-3. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Leanring, Visual Analytical Reasoning, Visual Analytics, Visual Knowledge Discovery @inbook{Nazemi2022, Strategic foresight, corporate foresight, and technology management enable firms to detect discontinuous changes early and develop future courses for a more sophisticated market positioning. The enhancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence allow more automatic detection of early trends to create future courses and make strategic decisions. Visual Analytics combines methods of automated data analysis through machine learning methods and interactive visualizations. It enables a far better way to gather insights from a vast amount of data to make a strategic decision. While Visual Analytics got various models and approaches to enable strategic decision-making, the analysis of trends is still a matter of research. The forecasting approaches and involvement of humans in the visual trend analysis process require further investigation that will lead to sophisticated analytical methods. We introduce in this paper a novel model of Visual Analytics for decision-making, particularly for technology management, through early trends from scientific publications. We combine Corporate Foresight and Visual Analytics and propose a machine learning-based Technology Roadmapping based on our previous work. |
2021 |
17. | ![]() | Blazevic, Midhad; Sina, Lennart B.; Burkhardt, Dirk; Siegel, Melanie; Nazemi, Kawa Visual Analytics and Similarity Search - Interest-based Similarity Search in Scientific Data Proceedings Article In: 2021 25th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), pp. 211-217, IEEE, New York, USA, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-6654-3827-8. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Collaborative Systems, iV, Similarity, Trend Analytics, Visual Analytics, Visual Business Analytics @inproceedings{Blazevic2021, Visual Analytics enables solving complex analytical tasks by coupling interactive visualizations and machine learning approaches. Besides the analytical reasoning enabled through Visual Analytics, the exploration of data plays an essential role. The exploration process can be supported through similaritybased approaches that enable finding similar data to those annotated in the context of visual exploration. We propose in this paper a process of annotation in the context of exploration that leads to labeled vectors-of-interest and enables finding similar publications based on interest vectors. The generation and labeling of the interest vectors are performed automatically by the Visual Analytics system and lead to finding similar papers and categorizing the annotated papers. With this approach, we provide a categorized similarity search based on an automatically labeled interest matrix in Visual Analytics. |
16. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kock, Alexander Visual analytics for technology and innovation management: An interaction approach for strategic decisionmaking Journal Article In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 1198, 2021, ISSN: 1380-7501. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Emerging Trend Identification, Information Visualization, Innovation Management, Interaction Design, Multimedia Interaction, Technology Management, Visual Analytics, Visual Trend Analytics @article{Nazemi2021b, The awareness of emerging trends is essential for strategic decision making because technological trends can affect a firm’s competitiveness and market position. The rise of artificial intelligence methods allows gathering new insights and may support these decision-making processes. However, it is essential to keep the human in the loop of these complex analytical tasks, which, often lack an appropriate interaction design. Including special interactive designs for technology and innovation management is therefore essential for successfully analyzing emerging trends and using this information for strategic decision making. A combination of information visualization, trend mining and interaction design can support human users to explore, detect, and identify such trends. This paper enhances and extends a previously published first approach for integrating, enriching, mining, analyzing, identifying, and visualizing emerging trends for technology and innovation management. We introduce a novel interaction design by investigating the main ideas from technology and innovation management and enable a more appropriate interaction approach for technology foresight and innovation detection. |
2020 |
15. | ![]() | Burkhardt, Dirk; Nazemi, Kawa; Ginters, Egils Innovations in Mobility and Logistics: Assistance of Complex Analytical Processes in Visual Trend Analytics Proceedings Article In: Grabis, Janis; Romanovs, Andrejs; Kulesova, Galina (Ed.): 2020 61st International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS), pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9105-8. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adaptive Visualization, Logistics, Process Mining, Transportation, Trend Analytics, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Burkhardt2020b, A variety of new technologies and ideas for businesses are arising in the domain of logistics and mobility. It can be differentiated between fundamental new approaches, e.g. central packaging stations or deliveries via drones and minor technological advancements that aim on more ecologically and economic transportation. The need for analytical systems that enable identifying new technologies, innovations, business models etc. and give also the opportunity to rate those in perspective of business relevance is growing. The users’ behavior is commonly investigated in adaptive systems, which is considering the induvial preferences of users, but neglecting often the tasks and goals of the analysis. A process-related supports could assist to solve an analytical task in a more efficient and effective way. We introduce in this paper an approach that enables non-professionals to perform visual trend analysis through an advanced process assistance based on process mining and visual adaptation. This allows generating a process model based on events, which is the baseline for process support feature calculation. These features in form of visual adaptations and the process model enable assisting non-experts in complex analytical tasks. |
14. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Kowald, Matthias; Dannewald, Till; Burkhardt, Dirk; Ginters, Egils Visual Analytics Indicators for Mobility and Transportation Proceedings Article In: Grabis, Janis; Romanovs, Andrejs; Kulesova, Galina (Ed.): 2020 61st International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS), pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9105-8. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: mobility analytics, mobility behaviour, mobility indicators for visual analytics, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Nazemi2020b, Visual Analytics enables a deep analysis of complex and multivariate data by applying machine learning methods and interactive visualization. These complex analyses lead to gain insights and knowledge for a variety of analytics tasks to enable the decision-making process. The enablement of decision-making processes is essential for managing and planning mobility and transportation. These are influenced by a variety of indicators such as new technological developments, ecological and economic changes, political decisions and in particular humans’ mobility behaviour. New technologies will lead to a different mobility behaviour with other constraints. These changes in mobility behaviour require analytical systems to forecast the required information and probably appearing changes. These systems must consider different perspectives and employ multiple indicators. Visual Analytics enable such analytical tasks. We introduce in this paper the main indicators for Visual Analytics for mobility and transportation that are exemplary explained through two case studies. |
13. | ![]() | Sina, Lennart; Burkhardt, Dirk; Nazemi, Kawa Visual Dashboards in Trend Analytics to Observe Competitors and Leading Domain Experts Proceedings Article In: Afli, Haithem; Bleimann, Udo; Burkhardt, Dirk; Loew, Robert; Regier, Stefanie; Stengel, Ingo; Wang, Haiying; Zheng, Huiru (Jane) (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2020), pp. 222-235, CEUR-WS.org, Aachen, Germany, 2020, ISSN: 1613-0073, (urn:nbn:de:0074-2815-0). Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Business Intelligence, CERC, Information Exploration, Innovation Management, Visual Analytics, Visual Trend Analysis @inproceedings{Sina2020, The rapid change due to digitalization challenge a variety of market players and force them to find strategies to be aware of developments in these markets, particularly those that impact their business. The main challenge is what a practical solution could look like and how technology can support market players in these trend observation tasks. The paper outlines therefore a technological solution to observe specific authors e.g. researchers who influence a certain market or engineers of competitors. In many branches both are well-known groups to market players and there is almost always the need of a technology that supports the topical observation. This paper focuses on the concept of how a visual dashboard could enable a market observation and how data must be processed for it and its prototypical implementation which enables an evaluation later. Furthermore, the definition of a principal technological analysis for innovation and technology management is created and is also an important contribution to the scientific community that specifically considers the technology perspective and its corresponding requirements. |
12. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Klepsch, Maike J.; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kaupp, Lukas Comparison of Full-text Articles and Abstracts for Visual Trend Analytics through Natural Language Processing Proceedings Article In: 2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), pp. 360-367, IEEE, New York, USA, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9134-8. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Data Science, iV, Natural Language Processing, Visual Analytics, Visual Trend Analytics @inproceedings{Nazemi2020c, Scientific publications are an essential resource for detecting emerging trends and innovations in a very early stage, by far earlier than patents may allow. Thereby Visual Analytics systems enable a deep analysis by applying commonly unsupervised machine learning methods and investigating a mass amount of data. A main question from the Visual Analytics viewpoint in this context is, do abstracts of scientific publications provide a similar analysis capability compared to their corresponding full-texts? This would allow to extract a mass amount of text documents in a much faster manner. We compare in this paper the topic extraction methods LSI and LDA by using full text articles and their corresponding abstracts to obtain which method and which data are better suited for a Visual Analytics system for Technology and Corporate Foresight. Based on a easy replicable natural language processing approach, we further investigate the impact of lemmatization for LDA and LSI. The comparison will be performed qualitative and quantitative to gather both, the human perception in visual systems and coherence values. Based on an application scenario a visual trend analytics system illustrates the outcomes. |
11. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kaupp, Lukas; Dannewald, Till; Kowald, Matthias; Ginters, Egils Visual Analytics in Mobility, Transportation and Logistics Proceedings Article In: Ginters, Egils; Estrada, Mario Arturo Ruiz; Eroles, Miquel Angel Piera (Ed.): ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2019, pp. 82–89, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-39688-6. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Data Analytics, Mobility Behavior, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Nazemi2020, Mobility, transportation and logistics are more and more influenced by a variety of indicators such as new technological developments, ecological and economic changes, political decisions and in particular humans' mobility behavior. These indicators will lead to massive changes in our daily live with regards to mobility, transportation and logistics. New technologies will lead to a different mobility behavior with new constraints. These changes in mobility behavior and logistics require analytical systems to forecast the required information and probably appearing changes. These systems have to consider different perspectives and employ multiple indicators. Visual Analytics provides both, the analytical approaches by including machine learning approaches and interactive visualizations to enable such analytical tasks. In this paper the main indicators for Visual Analytics in the domain of mobility transportation and logistics are discussed and followed by exemplary case studies to illustrate the advantages of such systems. The examples are aimed to demonstrate the benefits of Visual Analytics in mobility. |
2019 |
10. | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk Advanced Visual Analytical Reasoning for Technology and Innovation Management (AVARTIM) Miscellaneous Forschungstag 2019 der Hessischen Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW), Frankfurt, Germany, 2019. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Innovation Management, Technology Management, Trend Analytics, Visual Analytical Reasoning, Visual Analytics @misc{Nazemi2019e, Im Rahmen des Vorhabens soll mit „AVARTIM“ ein softwaregestützter Prozess zum Erkennen und Bewerten von Trends, Markt- und Technologiesignalen entwickelt werden, um den Prozess des Innovations- und Technologiemanagements nachhaltig zu unterstützen. Dabei soll im Rahmen des Vorhabens eine Infrastruktur an der Hochschule Darmstadt aufgebaut werden, die modular ist und somit auf technologische Veränderungen schnell reagieren kann. Die zu entwickelnde Infrastruktur dient hierbei als Vorlaufforschung und Ausgangstechnologie sowohl für den industriellen Einsatz durch und mit den KMU Partnern als auch zur Beantragung von Verbundvorhaben. | |
9. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk A Visual Analytics Approach for Analyzing Technological Trends in Technology and Innovation Management Proceedings Article In: Bebis, George; Boyle, Richard; Parvin, Bahram; Koracin, Darko; Ushizima, Daniela; Chai, Sek; Sueda, Shinjiro; Lin, Xin; Lu, Aidong; Thalmann, Daniel; Wang, Chaoli; Xu, Panpan (Ed.): Advances in Visual Computing, pp. 283–294, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-33723-0. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Human Factors, Human-Centered Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization, Intelligent Systems, maschine learning, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Nazemi2019c, Visual Analytics provides with a combination of automated techniques and interactive visualizations huge analysis possibilities in technology and innovation management. Thereby not only the use of machine learning data mining methods plays an important role. Due to the high interaction capabilities, it provides a more user-centered approach, where users are able to manipulate the entire analysis process and get the most valuable information. Existing Visual Analytics systems for Trend Analytics and technology and innovation management do not really make use of this unique feature and almost neglect the human in the analysis process. Outcomes from research in information search, information visualization and technology management can lead to more sophisticated Visual Analytics systems that involved the human in the entire analysis process. We propose in this paper a new interaction approach for Visual Analytics in technology and innovation management with a special focus on technological trend analytics. |
8. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk Visual Analytics for Analyzing Technological Trends from Text Proceedings Article In: 2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (iV), pp. 191-200, IEEE, 2019, ISSN: 2375-0138, (Best Paper Award). Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Emerging Trend Identification, Information Visualization, iV, Trend Analytics, Visual Analytics, Visual Business Analytics @inproceedings{Nazemi2018b, The awareness of emerging technologies is essential for strategic decision making in enterprises. Emerging and decreasing technological trends could lead to strengthening the competitiveness and market positioning. The exploration, detection and identification of such trends can be essentially supported through information visualization, trend mining and in particular through the combination of those. Commonly, trends appear first in science and scientific documents. However, those documents do not provide sufficient information for analyzing and identifying emerging trends. It is necessary to enrich data, extract information from the integrated data, measure the gradient of trends over time and provide effective interactive visualizations. We introduce in this paper an approach for integrating, enriching, mining, analyzing, identifying and visualizing emerging trends from scientific documents. Our approach enhances the state of the art in visual trend analytics by investigating the entire analysis process and providing an approach for enabling human to explore undetected potentially emerging trends. |
7. | ![]() | Burkhardt, Dirk; Nazemi, Kawa Visual legal analytics – A visual approach to analyze law-conflicts of e-Services for e-Mobility and transportation domain Journal Article In: ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2018 (ICTE 2018), vol. 149, pp. 515-524, 2019, ISSN: 1877-0509. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: e-Government, e-Mobility, e-Transportation, Law Visualization, Legal Analysis, Semantic Data, Visual Analytics @article{Burkhardt2019, The impact of the electromobility has next to the automotive industry also an increasing impact on the transportation and logistics domain. In particular the today’s starting switches to electronic trucks/scooter lead to massive changes in the organization and planning in this field. Public funding or tax reduction for environment friendly solutions forces also the growth of new mobility and transportation services. However, the vast changes in this domain and the high number of innovations of new technologies and services leads also into a critical legal uncertainty. The clarification of a legal status for a new technology or service can become cost intensive in a dimension that in particular startups could not invest. In this paper we therefore introduce a new approach to identify and analyze legal conflicts based on a business model or plan against existing laws. The intention is that an early awareness of critical legal aspect could enable an early adoption of the planned service to ensure its legality. Our main contribution is distinguished in two parts. Firstly, a new Norm-graph visualization approach to show laws and legal aspects in an easier understandable manner. And secondly, a Visual Legal Analytics approach to analyze legal conflicts e.g. on the basis of a business plans. The Visual Legal Analytics approach aims to provide a visual analysis interface to validate the automatically identified legal conflicts resulting from the pre-processing stage with a graphical overview about the derivation down to the law roots and the option to check the original sources to get further details. At the end analyst can so verify conflicts as relevant and resolve it by advancing e.g. the business plan or as irrelevant. An evaluation performed with lawyers has proofed our approach. |
6. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk Visual analytical dashboards for comparative analytical tasks – a case study on mobility and transportation Journal Article In: ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2018 (ICTE 2018), vol. 149, pp. 138-150, 2019, ISSN: 1877-0509. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Data Analytics, Information Visualization, Mobility, Prediction, Transportation, Visual Analytics, Visual Interfaces, Visual Tasks @article{Nazemi2019, Mobility, logistics and transportation are emerging fields of research and application. Humans’ mobility behavior plays an increasing role for societal challenges. Beside the societal challenges these areas are strongly related to technologies and innovations. Gathering information about emerging technologies plays an increasing role for the entire research in these areas. Humans’ information processing can be strongly supported by Visual Analytics that combines automatic modelling and interactive visualizations. The juxtapose orchestration of interactive visualization enables gathering more information in a shorter time. We propose in this paper an approach that goes beyond the established methods of dashboarding and enables visualizing different databases, data-sets and sub-sets of data with juxtaposed visual interfaces. Our approach should be seen as an expandable method. Our main contributions are an in-depth analysis of visual task models and an approach for juxtaposing visual layouts as visual dashboards to enable solving complex tasks. We illustrate our main outcome through a case study that investigates the area of mobility and illustrates how complex analytical tasks can be performed easily by combining different visual interfaces. |
2018 |
5. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Burkhardt, Dirk Juxtaposing Visual Layouts – An Approach for Solving Analytical and Exploratory Tasks through Arranging Visual Interfaces Proceedings Article In: 4th International Conference of the Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE 2018), pp. 144-153, CAL-TEK SRL, Rende, Italy, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5108-7222-6. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Visual Interfaces, Visual Tasks @inproceedings{Burkhardt2018, Interactive visualization and visual analytics systems enables solving a variety of tasks. Starting with simple search tasks for outliers, anomalies etc. in data to analytical comparisons, information visualizations may lead to a faster and more precise solving of tasks. There exist a variety of methods to support users in the process of task solving, e.g. superimposing, juxtaposing or partitioning complex visual structures. Commonly all these methods make use of a single data source that is visualized at the same time. We propose in this paper an approach that goes beyond the established methods and enables visualizing different databases, data-sets and sub-sets of data with juxtaposed visual interfaces. Our approach should be seen as an expandable method. Our main contributions are an in-depth analysis of visual task models and an approach for juxtaposing visual layouts as visual interfaces to enable solving complex tasks. |
2017 |
4. | ![]() | Burkhardt, Dirk; Nazemi, Kawa Informationsvisualisierung und Visual Analytics zur Unterstützung von E-Government Prozessen Proceedings Article In: Bade, Korinna; Pietsch, Matthias; Raabe, Susanne; Schütz, Lars (Ed.): Technologische Trends im Spannungsfeld von Beteiligung – Entscheidung – Planung: Fachforum DIGITALES PLANEN und GESTALTEN 2017, pp. 29–38, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 2017, ISBN: 978-3844054392. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: e-Government, e-Participation, Information Visualization, Interactive Visualization, Policy Modeling, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Burkhardt2017b, Politische und gesellschaftliche Prozesse werden durch Informationen sehr stark geprägt, wie auch die jüngsten Ereignisse aufzeigen. Diese Informationen können, trotz enormer Fortschritte, nicht immer aus den sehr großen, heterogenen und verteilten Daten entnommen werden. „Big Data“ stellt somit auch in der öffentlichen Verwaltung eine immer größere Herausforderung dar. Sowohl durch eine umfangreiche Erhebung von Statistiken, als auch durch Dokumente wie Berichte und Studien, wachsen in Behörden die zu bewältigenden Informationsaufgaben. Darüber hinaus spielt die Berücksichtigung von Bürgermeinungen, vor allem auf kommunaler Ebene, eine immer größere Rolle. Eine Auswertung ohne moderne Informationstechnik ist dabei kaum mehr möglich. Damit aber aus diesen Daten tatsächlich die relevanten Informationen extrahiert werden, bedarf es Informationsvisualisierung und Visual Analytics Systeme die sehr detaillierte, aber dennoch einfache und schnelle Analysen für den Menschen erlauben. Dies stellt aber sehr hohe Anforderungen an die visuellen Systeme, da sie gleichzeitig auch den Nutzer und dessen Fähigkeiten berücksichtigen müssen. |
2016 |
3. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Steiger, Martin; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kohlhammer, Jörn Information Visualization and Policy Modeling Book Chapter In: Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Chapter 8, pp. 139-180, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2016, ISBN: 9781466698406. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adaptation, Adaptive Visualization, Information Visualization, Semantics, Semantics Visualization, SemaVis, Visual Analytics @inbook{Nazemi2016, Policy design requires the investigation of various data in several design steps for making the right decisions, validating, or monitoring the political environment. The increasing amount of data is challenging for the stakeholders in this domain. One promising way to access the “big data” is by abstracted visual patterns and pictures, as proposed by information visualization. This chapter introduces the main idea of information visualization in policy modeling. First abstracted steps of policy design are introduced that enable the identification of information visualization in the entire policy life-cycle. Thereafter, the foundations of information visualization are introduced based on an established reference model. The authors aim to amplify the incorporation of information visualization in the entire policy design process. Therefore, the aspects of data and human interaction are introduced, too. The foundation leads to description of a conceptual design for social data visualization, and the aspect of semantics plays an important role. |
2015 |
2. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Retz, Reimond; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kuijper, Arjan; Kohlhammer, Jörn; Fellner, Dieter W. Visual Trend Analysis with Digital Libraries Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, pp. 14:1–14:8, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3721-2, (Honorable Mention of the Demo). Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Data Mining, Information Extraction, Information Visualization, Trend Analysis, Visual Analytics @inproceedings{Nazemi2015c, The early awareness of new technologies and upcoming trends is essential for making strategic decisions in enterprises and research. Trends may signal that technologies or related topics might be of great interest in the future or obsolete for future directions. The identification of such trends premises analytical skills that can be supported through trend mining and visual analytics. Thus the earliest trends or signals commonly appear in science, the investigation of digital libraries in this context is inevitable. However, digital libraries do not provide sufficient information for analyzing trends. It is necessary to integrate data, extract information from the integrated data and provide effective interactive visual analysis tools. We introduce in this paper a model that investigates all stages from data integration to interactive visualization for identifying trends and analyzing the market situation through our visual trend analysis environment. Our approach improves the visual analysis of trends by investigating the entire transformation steps from raw and structured data to visual representations. |
2014 |
1. | ![]() | Nazemi, Kawa; Steiger, Martin; Burkhardt, Dirk; Kohlhammer, Jörn Information Visualization and Policy Modeling Book Chapter In: Sonntagbauer, Peter; Nazemi, Kawa; Sonntagbauer, Susanne; Prister, Giorgio; Burkhardt, Dirk (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Advanced ICT Integration for Governance and Policy Modeling, Chapter 11, pp. 175–215, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2014, ISBN: 9781466662360. Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adaptation, Adaptive Visualization, Information Visualization, Semantics, Semantics Visualization, SemaVis, Visual Analytics @inbook{Nazemi2014c, Policy design requires the investigation of various data in several design steps for making the right decisions, validating, or monitoring the political environment. The increasing amount of data is challenging for the stakeholders in this domain. One promising way to access the “big data” is by abstracted visual patterns and pictures, as proposed by information visualization. This chapter introduces the main idea of information visualization in policy modeling. First abstracted steps of policy design are introduced that enable the identification of information visualization in the entire policy life-cycle. Thereafter, the foundations of information visualization are introduced based on an established reference model. The authors aim to amplify the incorporation of information visualization in the entire policy design process. Therefore, the aspects of data and human interaction are introduced, too. The foundation leads to description of a conceptual design for social data visualization, and the aspect of semantics plays an important role. |
2025 |
19. | ![]() | Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Visual Analytics for Plant Workers Proceedings Article In: Klettke, Meike; Schenkel, Ralf; Henrich, Andreas; Nicklas, Daniela; Schüle, Maximilian E.; Meyer-Wegener, Klaus (Ed.): Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2025), pp. 665-678, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2025, ISSN: 2944-7682. |
2022 |
18. | ![]() | Visual Analytics for Strategic Decision Making in Technology Management Book Chapter In: Kovalerchuk, Boris; Nazemi, Kawa; Andonie, Răzvan; Datia, Nuno; Banissi, Ebad (Ed.): Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Visualization for Visual Knowledge Discovery, Chapter 1, pp. 31–61, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-030-93119-3. |
2021 |
17. | ![]() | Visual Analytics and Similarity Search - Interest-based Similarity Search in Scientific Data Proceedings Article In: 2021 25th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), pp. 211-217, IEEE, New York, USA, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-6654-3827-8. |
16. | ![]() | Visual analytics for technology and innovation management: An interaction approach for strategic decisionmaking Journal Article In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 1198, 2021, ISSN: 1380-7501. |
2020 |
15. | ![]() | Innovations in Mobility and Logistics: Assistance of Complex Analytical Processes in Visual Trend Analytics Proceedings Article In: Grabis, Janis; Romanovs, Andrejs; Kulesova, Galina (Ed.): 2020 61st International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS), pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9105-8. |
14. | ![]() | Visual Analytics Indicators for Mobility and Transportation Proceedings Article In: Grabis, Janis; Romanovs, Andrejs; Kulesova, Galina (Ed.): 2020 61st International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS), pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9105-8. |
13. | ![]() | Visual Dashboards in Trend Analytics to Observe Competitors and Leading Domain Experts Proceedings Article In: Afli, Haithem; Bleimann, Udo; Burkhardt, Dirk; Loew, Robert; Regier, Stefanie; Stengel, Ingo; Wang, Haiying; Zheng, Huiru (Jane) (Ed.): Proceedings of the 6th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2020), pp. 222-235, CEUR-WS.org, Aachen, Germany, 2020, ISSN: 1613-0073, (urn:nbn:de:0074-2815-0). |
12. | ![]() | Comparison of Full-text Articles and Abstracts for Visual Trend Analytics through Natural Language Processing Proceedings Article In: 2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), pp. 360-367, IEEE, New York, USA, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9134-8. |
11. | ![]() | Visual Analytics in Mobility, Transportation and Logistics Proceedings Article In: Ginters, Egils; Estrada, Mario Arturo Ruiz; Eroles, Miquel Angel Piera (Ed.): ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2019, pp. 82–89, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-39688-6. |
2019 |
10. | Advanced Visual Analytical Reasoning for Technology and Innovation Management (AVARTIM) Miscellaneous Forschungstag 2019 der Hessischen Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW), Frankfurt, Germany, 2019. | |
9. | ![]() | A Visual Analytics Approach for Analyzing Technological Trends in Technology and Innovation Management Proceedings Article In: Bebis, George; Boyle, Richard; Parvin, Bahram; Koracin, Darko; Ushizima, Daniela; Chai, Sek; Sueda, Shinjiro; Lin, Xin; Lu, Aidong; Thalmann, Daniel; Wang, Chaoli; Xu, Panpan (Ed.): Advances in Visual Computing, pp. 283–294, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-33723-0. |
8. | ![]() | Visual Analytics for Analyzing Technological Trends from Text Proceedings Article In: 2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (iV), pp. 191-200, IEEE, 2019, ISSN: 2375-0138, (Best Paper Award). |
7. | ![]() | Visual legal analytics – A visual approach to analyze law-conflicts of e-Services for e-Mobility and transportation domain Journal Article In: ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2018 (ICTE 2018), vol. 149, pp. 515-524, 2019, ISSN: 1877-0509. |
6. | ![]() | Visual analytical dashboards for comparative analytical tasks – a case study on mobility and transportation Journal Article In: ICTE in Transportation and Logistics 2018 (ICTE 2018), vol. 149, pp. 138-150, 2019, ISSN: 1877-0509. |
2018 |
5. | ![]() | Juxtaposing Visual Layouts – An Approach for Solving Analytical and Exploratory Tasks through Arranging Visual Interfaces Proceedings Article In: 4th International Conference of the Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE 2018), pp. 144-153, CAL-TEK SRL, Rende, Italy, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5108-7222-6. |
2017 |
4. | ![]() | Informationsvisualisierung und Visual Analytics zur Unterstützung von E-Government Prozessen Proceedings Article In: Bade, Korinna; Pietsch, Matthias; Raabe, Susanne; Schütz, Lars (Ed.): Technologische Trends im Spannungsfeld von Beteiligung – Entscheidung – Planung: Fachforum DIGITALES PLANEN und GESTALTEN 2017, pp. 29–38, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 2017, ISBN: 978-3844054392. |
2016 |
3. | ![]() | Information Visualization and Policy Modeling Book Chapter In: Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Chapter 8, pp. 139-180, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2016, ISBN: 9781466698406. |
2015 |
2. | ![]() | Visual Trend Analysis with Digital Libraries Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, pp. 14:1–14:8, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3721-2, (Honorable Mention of the Demo). |
2014 |
1. | ![]() | Information Visualization and Policy Modeling Book Chapter In: Sonntagbauer, Peter; Nazemi, Kawa; Sonntagbauer, Susanne; Prister, Giorgio; Burkhardt, Dirk (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Advanced ICT Integration for Governance and Policy Modeling, Chapter 11, pp. 175–215, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2014, ISBN: 9781466662360. |