We could successfully submit two chapters to the current ICTE in Transportation and Logistics book. The goal of the book “ICTE in Transportation and Logistics” is an interdisciplinary annual issue published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG on the edge between transportation, logistics, economy and computer science highlighting sociotechnical aspects of any real sustainable system. The issue would be the announcing area of successful research projects giving possibilities for fast dissemination the information about new findings. The book will be covered by Scopus and Web of Science.
#1 Visual Analytics in Mobility, Transportation and Logistics
Mobility, transportation and logistics are more and more influenced by a variety of indicators such as new technological developments, ecological and economic changes, political decisions and in particular humans’ mobility behavior. These indicators will lead to massive changes in our daily live with regards to mobility, transportation and logistics. New technologies will lead to a different mobility behavior with new constraints. These changes in mobility behavior and logistics require analytical systems to forecast the required information and probably appearing changes. These systems have to consider different perspectives and employ multiple indicators. Visual Analytics provides both, the analytical approaches by including machine learning approaches and interactive visualizations to enable such analytical tasks. In this paper the main indicators for Visual Analytics in the domain of mobility transportation and logistics are discussed and followed by exemplary case studies to illustrate the advantages of such systems. The examples are aimed to demonstrate the benefits of Visual Analytics in mobility.
Link to paper: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-39688-6_12 
#2 Process Support and Visual Adaptation to Assist Visual Trend Analytics in Managing Transportation Innovations
In the domain of mobility and logistics, a variety of new technologies and business ideas are arising. Beside technologies that aim on ecologically and economic transportation, such as electric engines, there are also fundamental different approaches like central packaging stations or deliveries via drones. Yet, there is a growing need for analytical systems that enable identifying new technologies, innovations, business models etc. and give also the opportunity to rate those in perspective of business relevance. Commonly adaptive systems investigate only the users’ behavior, while a process-related supports could assist to solve an analytical task more efficient and effective. In this article an approach that enables non-experts to perform visual trend analysis through an advanced process support based on process mining is described. This allow us to calculate a process model based on events, which is the baseline for process support feature calculation. These features and the process model enable to assist non-expert users in complex analytical tasks.
Link to paper: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-39688-6_40 
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