Paper accepted at VARE 2019
At the next conference in Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE 2019), we are happy that out paper toward mobile visual trend analytics was accepted for presentation. The conference takes place from Sep. 18 to Sep. 20, 2019 in Kisbon, Portugal. The VARE is an annual event that brings together trainers in all areas of knowledge and educational levels as well as researchers and scientists from virtual technologies as well data advanced visualization and virtualization. In general, main aim is to improve teaching and training, and data analysis through virtual and augmented technologies use and to discuss problems and solutions in mentioned areas to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research.
Paper: A Mobile Visual Analytics Approach for Instant Trend Analysis in Mobile Contexts
The awareness of market trends becomes relevant for a broad number of market branches, in particular the more they are challenged by the digitalization. Trend analysis solutions help business executives identifying upcoming trends early. But solid market analysis takes their time and are often not available on consulting or strategy discussions. This circumstance often leads to unproductive debates where no clear strategy, technology etc. could be identified. Therefore, we propose a mobile visual trend analysis approach that enables a quick trend analysis to identify at least the most relevant and irrelevant aspects to focus debates on the relevant options. To enable an analysis like this, the exhausting analysis on powerful workstations with large screens has to adopted to mobile devices within a mobile behavior. Our main contribution is the therefore a new approach of a mobile knowledge cockpit, which provides different analytical visualizations within and intuitive interaction design.
Link to paper/fulltext: -comming soon-
Demo video: