Advanced Seminar toward Visual Analaytics in next Summer Semester at h_da/FBI (computer science)
In the upcoming summer semester 2020, our team provides an advanced seminar at the department of computer science at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. The topic of the seminar will be toward “Visual Analytics for Smart Manufacturing and Trend Analysis”:
Due to the increasing digitization, analyzes are a constant necessity, which also applies to the identification of errors, problems or opportunities for improvement. With visual analytics, the combination of algorithmic and massive calculation opportunities of computer-based systems on the one side as well as the visual and cognitive skills of the users on the other side are used together. The seminar focuses on the use of visual analytics in the two current areas of smart manufacturing and trend analysis. On behalf of the given task, current approaches, methods and implementations should be researched and examined. The goal should be a scientific elaboration based on empirical and scientific standards.
Interested students are invited to register soon, since the number of places will be limited.
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