CliCE-DiPP consortium meeting in Kalrsruhe
Last week, the consortium meeting of the CliCE-DiPP research project took place at the wbk Institute of Production Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The CliCE-DiPP project is developing a digital CO2 product passport containing all companies’ relevant sustainability and energy data. The focus is on the metalworking industry and the measuring equipment sector. During the meeting, the progress of the individual work packages was presented and the results of the ideation workshops were presented.
It was informed about the current status of merging the PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) data model with the legal requirements catalog and the implementation of the data exchange model. The analysis of the information flow in the exchange of the digital product passport between the application partners Lorenz (water meter) and ABM (service provider in the real estate sector) was also interesting. The requirements developed for the TU Darmstadt FlowFactory demonstrator for evaluating the product passport were also presented.
Initial results were also obtained from the application of ARIS Process Mining from Software AG. The tool uses measurement data from machines to identify the processes involved in processing a component and determine the PCF.
Another focus of the meeting was the presentation of business models. Ideas and challenges at the Lorenz and Festo companies were discussed in detail.
Afterward, we had the opportunity to visit the Production Technology Laboratory (PTL) and the research factory, where we were able to experience “intelligent production” in a practical way using real processes. Many thanks to the wbk for the excellent hospitality.